Integrate transparent tree-planting into your business with EcoMatcher

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I’m proud to announce that I have partnered with EcoMatcher as their Channel Partner for Singapore.

EcoMatcher provides companies with innovative ways to become more sustainable through digital services that enable the use of trees for corporate gifting, rewards and loyalty programs, employee engagement and events.

I don’t often speak about this, but I feel very strongly about how we, as humanity, need to urgently pay attention to the health of our planet. Climate change is real, and the recent catastrophic world events have opened many eyes to real problems we are all facing.

Of course, we all know how to change our lifestyles. Use less single-use plastic, consume less meat, shop locally, take more public transport, travel less internationally. Some of these may be easier to adopt than others. One simple way to work towards offsetting your carbon emissions is by planting more trees.

With the average Singapore resident producing 9.65 metric tons of CO2 emissions, one individual would need to plant 438 trees to contribute towards offsetting their emissions.

EcoMatcher is a certified B corporation that plants trees through technology, partnering with foundations that EcoMatcher vets in person. Through EcoMatcher, you will know everything about every tree you plant, you can virtually travel to every tree, ask it questions to educate yourselves, see which farmers have planted your trees and also view how many kg of CO2 emissions your tree has 'eaten'.

EcoMatcher partners with carefully selected and vetted tree planting organisations from around the world and currently plants in Guatemala, Peru, Uganda, Thailand, Nepal, Phillippines and Indonesia.

With a goal to plant 1bn trees by 2024, I’m interested to talk to CSR teams and marketing or HR leads for Singapore based companies, about integrating EcoMatcher into your sustainability or marketing strategy by planting global forests. Please drop me an email at to find out more!